- 迎新说明
- 实验室的主要研究方向介绍在: https://gitee.com/pi-lab/pilab_research_fields 请仔细研读我们的发表论文、研究介绍,确认是否喜欢这个研究方向;
- 如果您有意向想加入我们,请尽可能提前联系我们,以方便彼此了解对方,并了解自己是否真的喜欢这个研究方向;
- 我们实验室要求比较高的编程能力,需要脚踏实地把基础打扎实,我们坚持的理念是:Talk is cheap, show me the code! (空谈误国,实干兴邦);
- 编程能力是一个长期培养、锻炼的过程,为了提升自己的能力,可以按照 https://gitee.com/pi-lab/learn_programming 里面的说明进行学习、锻炼;
- 如果有什么疑问,或者想咨询可以直接发邮件到 bushuhui # nwpu.edu.cn,或者 bushuhui # foxmail.com
Welcome Join Our Lab
Students who like computer vision and artificial intelligence are welcome to join our laboratory. We provide a good learning environment for you to get the greatest promotion during your postgraduate or doctoral studying.
- Welcome Messages
- If you can not read Chinese, you can use translation software, such as https://fanyi.qq.com/ or https://translate.google.com/ . If you still have problem, please contact bushuhui@nwpu.edu.cn
- The main research directions of the laboratory can be found at: https://gitee.com/pi-lab/pilab_research_fields . Please study our published papers and research introductions carefully to confirm whether you like this research direction.
- If you are interested in joining us, please contact us in advance to get to know each other and whether you really like this research direction.
- Our lab requires high programming skills, so you need to do the programming exercises within 1-2 months. Talk is cheap, show me the code! The programming exercises is listed in https://gitee.com/pi-lab/learn_programming. If you can not read Chinese, you can use translation software, such as https://fanyi.qq.com/ or https://translate.google.com/ .
- If you have questions or troubles, please contact with bushuhui # nwpu.edu.cn or bushuhui # foxmail.com
2021 Laboratory
2021 NPU
2018 Group photo
2018 Group photo
2016 Group photo