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camshiftKalman - An object tracking project using camshift and Kalman Filter based on OpenCV

We implement this object tracking algorithm using camshift and Kalman Filter. Three features, hue,saturation and rotation invariant Local Binary Pattern, are used to model the tracking object. Kalman Filter is employed to smooth the motion trajectory and predict the next position when the object is occluded.

The code can be downloaded at

1. Requirements

OpenCV (

2. Usage

For linux :

./camShiftKalman -m option -t option -v option

For windows :

(using cmd change directory to camShiftKalman)
cd path/to/this/drorectory
camShiftKalman -m option -t option -v option

Detailed usage :

 -m, --useMouse=[true]    how to choose object to track
 -t, --featureType=[0]    0 -- HUE
                          1 -- SATURATION_HUE (need to implement)
                          2 -- LBP_HUE (need to implement)
                          3 -- LBP_SATURATION_HUE
 -v, --videoName          the video to track

3. Screenshot
