Sequence SFM
This program is a demo to show structure from motion for sequence images input. The program is based on, but we fix some bugs and use Qt as the interface. You can add more advanced tricks such used in PTAM or ORB-SLAM, to make it faster and robust.
The code can be downloaded at:
1. Requirements:
- OpenCV 2.4.9
- SuiteSparse: sudo apt-get install libsuitesparse-dev
- Qt4: sudo apt-get install libqt4-core libqt4-dev
- QGLViewer: sudo apt-get install libqglviewer-dev libqglviewer2
2. Plateform:
Only test on Linux Mint 17.1 64-bit.
3. Usage:
./SequenceSFM.e -act test_sfm_tracker -f ./data/img_sfm_1s -fn_in ./data/img_sfm_1s